The news that Rodney Harrison of the New England Patriots was suspended for using HGH really shook me.  Harrison was my favorite player on the Pats. My heart is broken.  One report I heard said that he had been using it the past 2 years to recover from the serious knee and shoulder injuries he had sustained.  Although Harrison took the suspension like a man and admitted to wrong doing (he didn’t have to do this), a more honorable action would have been to just plain retire.

The bigger question is, how will the Patriots organization react to this?  If the Patriots do not release Harrison, Belichick and Kraft will also be tainted. You can’t proclaim yourself the model franchise in the NFL and accept such behavior. I’m a 15 year season ticket holder. I want the Patriots to win another superbowl, but not at the expense of the franchise’s image.   As it is, the 2003 and 2004 championships are going to have an asterix next to them.