Here’s an interesting testimonial on using GWT, Java EE, and Errai to build an application.

“When I stumbled upon Errai, I was re-introduced to JEE.  We had previously explored a variety of backend frameworks, including Spring and most recently Guice.  I was instantly amazed and attracted to the simplicity and elegance of JEE – in particular the CDI API.  Once I had my JBoss AS 7 environment set up, I was incredibly pleased with how neatly everything just seemed to “work” – REST, Persistence/Transactions, CDI, and how little configuration was required.  It almost didn’t seem possible.”

A few years ago, I wrote a blog about how Java EE made a huge comeback over Spring as a development platform.  159 comments later I still get people ranting for or against me on that thread.  What was interesting about this particular testimonial is that the developer investigated both Spring and Guice.

“We had previously explored a variety of backend frameworks, including Spring and most recently Guice.”

I still stand by my 2+ year old blog that Java EE made a huge comeback as a web development platform.