About Me

My name is Bill Burke.  Professionally, I was one of the early JBoss contributors (JBoss 2.0 days!).  Over a 5 year span from 2001-2006, I saw us grow from a 2 to a 200 person company until we were acquired by Red Hat for $350 million.  I still work at Red Hat and JBoss to this day and its been fun seeing how open source can flourish as a business model.    My early projects included adding clustering to our EJB layer, then, later on leading, the EJB 3.0 and AOP projects and as well as other architectural endeavors.  I was JBoss’s representative to the Java EE 5, EJB 3.0, and JAX-RS expert groups and JSRs within the JCP.  Some popular opens source projects I founded were Resteasy and Keycloak.  I did a short, year long stint at DraftKings and got away from Java development entirely (C#, Node.js, and .Net development), but the commute wrecked me and I went back to Red Hat a few years ago.  I currently work on the Quarkus project at Red hat.  I’ve also written numerous books and articles over the years that you can browse in the Publishings page of this blog.

Personally, I’m an avid New England Patriots football fan and have been a season ticket holder with my dad since 1993.  (No you can’t have tickets).  I also enjoy reffing soccer, watching my girls ballet performances and soccer games, playing World of Warcraft with my guildmates for the past 12+ years, and playing poker with the guys in the neighborhood.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Michael Barinek
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 01:43:56

    Hi Bill,

    I’m really liking your recent work…is there anyone working on a avro provider for resteasy?



  2. Joe Smith
    Mar 27, 2012 @ 21:12:11

    Hi Bill,

    I was wondering if you have any links you can share pointing to examples in Java that show a client using the REST interface to HornetQ. I’m building a system that requires me to exchange messages with Android clients. JBoss with HornetQ and its REST interface seems like a good fit but I’ve had difficulty finding example client code in Java.



    • billburke
      Apr 17, 2012 @ 16:19:32

      Look in the demo/exapmle directory, tehre’s a bunch


  3. Gerlinde
    Sep 25, 2012 @ 09:02:19

    Hello Bill,
    i do not find any license information in the source code of scannotation. Without a license file it is not clear that the component is really under the Apache 2.0 license (wichi I found in the internet). Your response is appreciated.


  4. Zachary Hueras
    Oct 01, 2013 @ 00:54:59

    Hey Bill,

    I was reading an article regarding Erlang vs. Scala on which you commented regarding hitting the “sweet spot” of productivity. You wanted to know what “killer frameworks” would make you want to give either language a chance.

    I picked up Erlang a little more than a year ago to build a real-time bidding platform for my company, and I think I’ve found the frameworks you’re looking for (for this language, anyway). Since your comments back in 2008, software has moved closer and closer towards RESTful service applications, and Erlang’s scalable concurrency model, fault-tolerance, and the frameworks to which I refer are incredibly useful for rapidly developing them.

    The libraries are Ranch, a socket/protocol framework, and Cowboy, an HTTP server built on Ranch. Both are being actively developed by NineNines (http://ninenines.eu). Check them out.

    As an aside, I’m also an avid (or rabid) Patriots fan. I don’t suppose you’re the Bill-christened season-ticket-holder from whom I’ve purchased Christmas-eve tickets from the past two years, are you?


  5. Alexander Kolchinsky
    Jun 13, 2014 @ 22:05:32

    Hi Bill. We are using HornetQ REST 2.3.15.Final with JBoss 7.2.0 and we find that clustering doesn’t work. When we create a queue (either clustered or unclustered), the queue is only created on a single node, and is not available on another node. When calling a GET or a HEAD on the queue URL, it comes back with 404 error when requests are sent to the other node. Clustering works fine using the non-REST interface. Is there a way to make the hornet-q rest work with clustering, or is this simply not supported?


  6. Review of RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0
    Sep 30, 2014 @ 08:26:38

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